Services POS advertising
Light projection advertising Print E-mail
Illuminate your clients!

KREIOS® G1. Bright, compact and lightweight.

Image projector

Motion advertising Print E-mail
ACTION skatlogā vai tirdzniecības vietā - pēc Jūsu izvēles!

Rotējošo podestu izmantošanas priekšrocības:

- Produkts tiek parādīts no visām pusēm;
- Akcentēta uzmanība.

Aroma marketing Print E-mail
How does your business smell?

Keeping and attracting clients nowadays has become more and more difficult. The visual and audial effects that the consumer receives from the advertisements is so intense that most of the time they dont achieve the wanted results.

Smell is a new level in client - seller communication that is used in the marker very rarely only because the lack of informaton on the subject.

Window Advertising Print E-mail
Laiks likt strādāt skatlogam!
Skatlogs ir viena no veikala vizītkartēm, kas var gan piesaistīt, gan aizbiedēt pircējus. Mainoties gadalaikiem mainās arī skatlogi- sezona diktē savus nosacījumus un pircēju vēlmes.


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